
Ordering the results

There are a couple of query options that gives you control over how your results are ordered.

Two keywords exist for defining sorting in a query text:

  • .SORT

You can use both to name one or more fields. Results will be returned in the given order (ascending or descending, depending on the given keyword).

Order by a field - lowest to highest

Following query returns the cars ordered by their name:

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root?query=Type:Car .SORT:Name
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

Order by a field - highest to lowest

The next example query returns the same content as the above one but in reverse order:

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root?query=Type:Car .REVERSESORT:Name
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

Order by multiple fields

Following query example shows how to order results by multiple fields, in this case cars by their color and name:

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root?query=Type:Car .SORT:Color .SORT:Name
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

Order by multiple fields in different directions

In the following examples we combine all the things above with sorting cars first by then by their color in reverse order and the name in ascending order.

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root?query=Type:Car .REVERSESORT:Color .SORT:Name
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

Order by date

Ordering cars by their StartingDate field:

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root?query=Type:Car .SORT:StartingDate
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded