Generic Content

This type is the root content type in sensenet. Every content type inherits their fields from it.


No special features for this type.

Parent type

There is no parent content type for GenericContent. It is the root type.

Content handler


Special fields

IdIntegerUnique Id for the content.
ParentIdIntegerId of the parent content.
OwnerIdIntegerId of the owner.
OwnerReferenceContent owner.
VersionIdIntegerDatabase row Id of current version.
NameShortTextSpecify a name that will appear in the address bar of the browser.
CreatedByIdIntegerId of creator.
ModifiedByIdIntegerId of last modifier.
VersionVersionVersion number.
PathShortTextContent path in the repository.
DepthIntegerContent level in the tree. Root level is 0.
IsSystemContentBooleanThis field is true if content is in a system folder/trash or the content is a system folder/file.
IsFileBooleanThis field is true if the content is a file.
IsFolderBooleanThis field is true if content can contain other content.
DisplayNameShortTextContent name. You can set any name you prefer without any restrictions.
DescriptionLongTextDescription of the content.
HiddenBooleanIf checked, content will not show up in navigation.
IndexIntegerContent order in navigation. Numbers closer to 0 will appear first.
EnableLifespanBooleanSpecify whether you want to define starting and end date for the validity of this content.
ValidFromDateTimeThis content will appear on the date you set if lifespan handling is enabled for this content.
ValidTillDateTimeThis content will disappear on the date you set if lifespan handling is enabled for this content.
AllowedChildTypesAllowedChildTypesYou can get and set which content types are explicitly allowed to be created under this content. It is a local setting.
EffectiveAllowedChildTypesAllowedChildTypesYou can get which content types are effective allowed to be created under this content. If there is no local setting, the global setting takes effect.
VersioningModeVersioningModeIt shows the versioning mode of the current content.
InheritableVersioningModeInheritableVersioningModeSpecify whether the system should create a new version whenever you create or modify a content below this content.
CreatedByReferenceContent creator.
CreationDateDateTimeContent creation date.
ModifiedByReferenceContent was last modified by this user.
ModificationDateDateTimeContent was last modified on this date.
ApprovingModeApprovingModeIt shows the approval mode of the current content.
InheritableApprovingModeInheritableApprovingModeSpecify whether new or changed content below the current one should remain in a draft state until they have been approved.
LockedBooleanIt shows whether the content is checked out or not.
CheckedOutToReferenceThe user currently locking the content.
TrashDisabledBooleanYou can disable trash for this content and its children. If set, you can not restore deleted content.
SavingStateChoiceState of multi-step saving.
ExtensionDataLongTextYou can set extra data in this field which is useful when extending a content.
BrowseApplicationReferenceSet this, if you would like to override the default browse application.
ApprovableBooleanThis fileld is true if the content is in 'pending' state and can be approved by the current user.
IsTaggableBooleanSpecify whether you would like to enable tagging capability for this content.
TagsLongTextList of tags and creators of them separated by commas.
IsRateableBooleanSpecify whether you would like to enable rating capability for this content.
RateAvgNumberAverage rate of the content.
PublishableBooleanThis fileld is true if the content can be published by the current user.
VersionsReferenceContent version history.
CheckInCommentsLongTextComments for a new version.
RejectReasonLongTextThe reason why the content was rejected.
WorkspaceReferenceThe container workspace of the content.


<ContentType name="GenericContent" handler="SenseNet.ContentRepository.GenericContent" xmlns="">
<Field name="Id" type="Integer">
<Field name="ParentId" type="Integer">
<Field name="OwnerId" type="Integer">
<Field name="Owner" type="Reference">
<Field name="VersionId" type="Integer">
<Field name="Type" type="NodeType">
<Bind property="NodeType"></Bind>
<Field name="TypeIs" type="NodeType">
<Bind property="NodeType"></Bind>
<Field name="Icon" type="ShortText">
<Field name="Name" type="ShortText">
<Field name="CreatedById" type="Integer">
<Field name="ModifiedById" type="Integer">
<Field name="Version" type="Version">
<Field name="Path" type="ShortText">
<Field name="Depth" type="Integer">
<Field name="InTree" type="ShortText">
<Bind property="Path"></Bind>
<Field name="InFolder" type="ShortText">
<Bind property="Path"></Bind>
<Field name="IsSystemContent" type="Boolean">
<Bind property="IsSystem"></Bind>
<Field name="IsFolder" type="Boolean">
<Field name="DisplayName" type="ShortText">
<Field name="Description" type="LongText">
<Field name="Hidden" type="Boolean">
<Field name="Index" type="Integer">
<Field name="EnableLifespan" type="Boolean">
<Field name="ValidFrom" type="DateTime">
<Field name="ValidTill" type="DateTime">
<Field name="AllowedChildTypes" type="AllowedChildTypes">
<Field name="EffectiveAllowedChildTypes" type="AllowedChildTypes">
<Field name="VersioningMode" type="VersioningMode">
<Option selected="true" value="0">$Ctd-GenericContent,VersioningMode-0</Option>
<Option value="1">$Ctd-GenericContent,VersioningMode-1</Option>
<Option value="2">$Ctd-GenericContent,VersioningMode-2</Option>
<Option value="3">$Ctd-GenericContent,VersioningMode-3</Option>
<Field name="InheritableVersioningMode" type="InheritableVersioningMode">
<Option selected="true" value="0">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableVersioningMode-0</Option>
<Option value="1">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableVersioningMode-1</Option>
<Option value="2">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableVersioningMode-2</Option>
<Option value="3">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableVersioningMode-3</Option>
<Field name="CreatedBy" type="Reference">
<Field name="VersionCreatedBy" type="Reference">
<Field name="CreationDate" type="DateTime">
<Field name="VersionCreationDate" type="DateTime">
<Field name="ModifiedBy" type="Reference">
<Field name="VersionModifiedBy" type="Reference">
<Field name="ModificationDate" type="DateTime">
<Field name="VersionModificationDate" type="DateTime">
<Field name="ApprovingMode" type="ApprovingMode">
<Option selected="true" value="0">$Ctd-GenericContent,ApprovingMode-0</Option>
<Option value="1">$Ctd-GenericContent,ApprovingMode-1</Option>
<Option value="2">$Ctd-GenericContent,ApprovingMode-2</Option>
<Field name="InheritableApprovingMode" type="InheritableApprovingMode">
<Option selected="true" value="0">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableApprovingMode-0</Option>
<Option value="1">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableApprovingMode-1</Option>
<Option value="2">$Ctd-GenericContent,InheritableApprovingMode-2</Option>
<Field name="Locked" type="Boolean">
<Field name="CheckedOutTo" type="Reference">
<Field name="TrashDisabled" type="Boolean">
<Field name="SavingState" type="Choice">
<Enum type="SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.ContentSavingState" resourceClass="Ctd" />
<Field name="ExtensionData" type="LongText">
<Field name="BrowseApplication" type="Reference">
<Field name="Approvable" type="Boolean">
<Field name="IsTaggable" type="Boolean">
<Field name="Tags" type="LongText">
<Field name="IsRateable" type="Boolean">
<Field name="RateStr" type="ShortText">
<Field name="RateAvg" type="Number">
<Field name="RateCount" type="Integer">
<Field name="Rate" type="Rating">
<Bind property="RateStr" />
<Bind property="RateCount" />
<Bind property="RateAvg" />
<Field name="Publishable" type="Boolean">
<Field name="Versions" type="Reference">
<Field name="CheckInComments" type="LongText">
<Field name="RejectReason" type="LongText">
<Field name="Workspace" type="Reference">
<Field name="BrowseUrl" type="ShortText">
<Field name="Sharing" type="Sharing">
<Field name="SharedWith" type="Sharing">
<Bind property="Sharing"></Bind>
<Field name="SharedBy" type="Sharing">
<Bind property="Sharing"></Bind>
<Field name="SharingMode" type="Sharing">
<Bind property="Sharing"></Bind>
<Field name="SharingLevel" type="Sharing">
<Bind property="Sharing"></Bind>