Field indexing
For every content the field values can be indexed so that when searching for a value the corresponding content will appear in the results. It is also possible to search in fields by explicitly defining the field to search for in a query. The way a specific field of a content is indexed is defined in the content type definition.
sensenet uses Lucene search engine by default for indexing the content repository and to provide a fast mechanism for returning query results. Apart from the indexing of some basic built-in properties, every field can be configured to be indexed separately.
Indexing and storing
There are two ways to put field data information in the index: by indexing and by storing. Indexing means that an analyzer processes field data, it resolves to data to terms and the content Id is stored under the corresponding term making it possible to search for terms to get the content. Storing means that field data itself can be stored in the index for a content (for example the base system stores content Path in the index for convenience). Indexing and storing is independent of each other, they can both be switched on and off regardless of the state of the other.
The goal of an analyzer is to extract all relevant terms from a text, filtering stop-words, etc. It is important that the same analyzer is used in the indexing process and the query building. For example, your document contains the following text: „Writing Sentences” and your query text is „writing”. After analysis the indexed text and search text will be these: „writing, sentences” and „writing”. This method ensures that the original text can be found even if the query word typed in and the word in the original text does not match exactly char-by-char. We use a PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper that can support a unique analyzer for every field. Analyzer-Field bindings are defined in the CTD. Field without analyzer-binding will be analyzed with the default analyzer: KeywordAnalyzer.
Stop-word dictionary
Some of the built-in analyzers (StandardAnalyzer and StopAnalyzer) use a stop-word dictionary to exclude certain words that will not be indexed as terms. For example when indexing written English texts it is useful not to index the word 'the', as it is usually irrelevant in relation to the text content. Besides, searching for 'the' would come up with results including Content containing any written English text. The built-in stop-word dictionary contains the following words:
"a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of","on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"
Indexing definition
Below you can see the skeleton of a Field definition with indexing definition included:
<Field name="" type="">...<Indexing><Mode></Mode><Store></Store><TermVector></TermVector><Analyzer></Analyzer><IndexHandler></IndexHandler></Indexing></Field>
You can configure the indexing and storing mode, analyzer, and the association of Field IndexHandler in every field. Indexing configuration is an optional xml element, with name Indexing, under the Field element after the Bind element (if defined) and before the Configuration element (if defined). Indexing element can contain the following sub elements in this order: Mode, Store, TermVector, Analyzer, IndexHandler. All elements are optional because all elements have default values.
Indexing mode settings (refer to Lucene indexing documentation). Available values:
- Analyzed (default): Field will be analyzed with the given analyzer
- AnalyzedNoNorms
- No: Field is not indexed at all
- NotAnalyzed: Field is indexed without analyzing
- NotAnalyzedNoNorms
The native Field value storage in the index can be switched on or off (refer to Lucene storing documentation). Available values:
- No (default)
- Yes
Term vector
Term vector settings (refer to Lucene term vector documentation). Available values:
- No (default)
- WithOffsets
- WithPositions
- WithPositionsOffsets
- Yes
You can associate any Lucene Analyzer to a field (refer to: Lucene analyzer documentation). The element value is the fully qualified type name of the desired Lucene analyzer. Available analyzers:
- Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer: an analyzer created specifically for text sentences/words. It excludes punctuations, splits up input string to words, gets each word in lower case and uses a stop-word dictionary for exclusions to lower false hit rates (for example you cannot query for articles like 'a' or 'the'). Use this whenever written text is stored in a Field that needs to be queried to individual words.
- Lucene.Net.Analysis.KeywordAnalyzer: (default) Trims the input string (removes white-spaces from the beginning and the end) and treats the input as a whole expression, as given - it does not even transform the input to lower case. It is useful for Fields holding processable string data, that needs to be searched as is.
- Lucene.Net.Analysis.SimpleAnalyzer: splits input string along white-spaces and punctuations, and even along numbers.
- Lucene.Net.Analysis.StopAnalyzer: similar to SimpleAnalyzer but also uses stop-word dictionary to exclude words.
- Lucene.Net.Analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer: splits input string along white-spaces, but not along punctuations.
The built-in standard analyzer is based on english language. Please note that when using the system in different language environments it is reasonable to develop a custom analyzer with stop-word dictionary (and optionally a stemmer) specialized for the given language.
Only one analyzer can be bound to a specific field, that is this setting cannot be overridden. Changing an analyzer for a field can only be done at the topmost level the field is defined. To change an analyzer first re-register the CTD with omitted analyzer settings:
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing></Indexing></Field>
After registration you may provide the new analyzer settings and reinstall the CTD:
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing><Analyzer>Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer</Analyzer></Indexing></Field>
Indexing of built-in properties
The following is a list of the properties that are indexed regardless of field indexing settings:
- NodeId: the identifier number of the Content.
- VersionId: (node.VersionId) version id of the Content.
- Version: (node.Version) version string of the Content (in the form of Vmajor.minor.status).
- CreatedById: (node.CreatedById) id of the creator user Content of the Content.
- ModifiedById: (node.ModifiedById) id of the last modifier user Content of the Content.
- NodeTimestamp: (node.NodeTimestamp) 8 byte auto incremented timestamp for optimistic concurrency control.
- VersionTimestamp: (node.VersionTimestamp) 8 byte auto incremented timestamp for optimistic concurrency control.
- IsInherited: (node.IsInherited) value indicating whether the default permissions of this instance are inherited from its parent.
- IsMajor: (node.Version.IsMajor) true if the instance represents a major version (eg. 2.0).
- IsPublic: value indicating that version status (node.Version.Status) is Approved.
- AllText: the concatenated text extract of Content Field values. Format of a text extract of a Field is defined by the type of IndexHandler (ie.: HyperLinkIndexHandler returns the hyperlink's href, target, text and title attributes' concatenation). This technical Field is analyzed by StandardAnalyzer, and query texts are interpreted as queries in this Field when no query Field is selected.
- Path: (node.Path) path of the Content.
- ParentId: (node.ParentId) id of the parent Content of the Content.
- IsLastDraft: value indicating that Content is last public version and it's status is public (node.IsLastPublicVersion && node.Version.Status == VersionStatus.Approved).
- IsLastPublic: (node.IsLatestVersion) value indicating that the Content is the last version (version ID equals to the last minor version ID).
Indexing binaries
Binary fields are special fields that hold the actual content of a file. Indexing these kinds of fields depend on the type of the file (e.g. pdf files need a different algorithm than docx files)
Disabling Field indexing
The following example shows an indexing configuration that disables the indexing of the field:
<Field name="Versions" type="Reference"><Title>Versions</Title><Description>Content version history</Description><Indexing> <!-- Indexing configuration --><Mode>No</Mode><Store>No</Store></Indexing>...</Field>
Using StandardAnalyzer
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing><Analyzer>Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer</Analyzer></Indexing></Field>
Enter the following text into the MyKeywords Field:
the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5
The following terms will be present in the index:
Fields | Text |
MyKeywords | testing |
MyKeywords | test2 |
MyKeywords | test3/test4 |
MyKeywords | test5 |
Different queries will return the following results:
MyKeywords:testResult count: 0MyKeywords:test*Result count: 1MyKeywords:testingResult count: 1MyKeywords:testINGResult count: 1MyKeywords:test2Result count: 1MyKeywords:test3Result count: 0MyKeywords:test3*Result count: 1MyKeywords:test3/test4;test5Result count: 1MyKeywords:test3/test4;testingResult count: 0MyKeywords:testedResult count: 0MyKeywords:"testing tesT2 test3/test4;test5"Result count: 1
Using KeyWordAnalyzer
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing><Analyzer>Lucene.Net.Analysis.KeywordAnalyzer</Analyzer></Indexing></Field>
Enter the following text into the MyKeywords Field:
the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5
The following terms will be present in the index:
Fields | Text |
MyKeywords | the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5 |
Different queries will return the following results:
MyKeywords:theResult count: 0MyKeywords:the*Result count: 1MyKeywords:testingResult count: 0MyKeywords:testINGResult count: 0MyKeywords:test2Result count: 0MyKeywords:test3Result count: 0MyKeywords:test3*Result count: 0MyKeywords:*test3*Result count: 1MyKeywords:test3/test4;test5Result count: 0MyKeywords:"the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5"Result count: 1
Using SimpleAnalyzer
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing><Analyzer>Lucene.Net.Analysis.SimpleAnalyzer</Analyzer></Indexing></Field>
Enter the following text into the MyKeywords Field:
the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5
The following terms will be present in the index:
Fields | Text |
MyKeywords | test |
MyKeywords | testing |
MyKeywords | the |
MyKeywords | and |
Different queries will return the following results:
MyKeywords:testResult count: 1MyKeywords:test*Result count: 1MyKeywords:testingResult count: 1MyKeywords:testINGResult count: 1MyKeywords:test2Result count: 1MyKeywords:test4334Result count: 1MyKeywords:testerResult count: 0MyKeywords:*test3*Result count: 0MyKeywords:test3/test4;test5Result count: 1MyKeywords:"the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5"Result count: 1
Just to make it clearer: enter the following text into the MyKeywords Field:
The following terms will be present in the index:
Fields | Text |
MyKeywords | hello |
MyKeywords | bye |
Using StopAnalyzer
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing><Analyzer>Lucene.Net.Analysis.StopAnalyzer</Analyzer></Indexing></Field>
Enter the following text into the MyKeywords Field:
the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5
The following terms will be present in the index:
Fields | Text |
MyKeywords | testing |
MyKeywords | test |
Different queries will return the following results:
MyKeywords:testResult count: 1MyKeywords:test*Result count: 1MyKeywords:testingResult count: 1MyKeywords:testINGResult count: 1MyKeywords:test2Result count: 1MyKeywords:test4334Result count: 1MyKeywords:testerResult count: 0MyKeywords:*test3*Result count: 0MyKeywords:test3/test4;test5Result count: 1MyKeywords:"the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5"Result count: 1
Using WhitespaceAnalyzer
<Field name="MyKeywords" type="LongText"><DisplayName>MyKeywords</DisplayName><Indexing><Analyzer>Lucene.Net.Analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer</Analyzer></Indexing></Field>
Enter the following text into the MyKeywords Field:
the testing tesT2 and test3/test4;test5
The following terms will be present in the index:
Fields | Text |
MyKeywords | testing |
MyKeywords | tesT2 |
MyKeywords | test3/test4;test5 |
MyKeywords | the |
MyKeywords | and |
MyKeywords:testResult count: 0MyKeywords:test*Result count: 1MyKeywords:testingResult count: 1MyKeywords:testINGResult count: 0MyKeywords:test2Result count: 0MyKeywords:tesT2Result count: 1MyKeywords:test3Result count: 0MyKeywords:test3*Result count: 1MyKeywords:test3/test4;test5Result count: 1MyKeywords:theResult count: 1