Image field

Image field is a field type that is used to handle an image attached to the content. It handles images either as references or binary field content.

The field has two modes depending on how the image is stored in relation to the content:

  • reference mode
    • image data is stored as a node in content repository (under the content)
    • the field acts as a Reference field referencing the image node
  • binarydata mode
    • the field acts as a Binary field storing image data
    • image is therefore not visible in content repository

Usage in CTD:

<Field name="ImageRef" type="Reference">
<Field name="ImageData" type="Binary">
<Field name="Avatar" type="Image">
<Bind property="ImageRef" />
<Bind property="ImageData" />


Fully featured example

<Field name="ImageRef" type="Reference">
<DisplayName>Avatar image (reference)</DisplayName>
<Field name="ImageData" type="Binary">
<DisplayName>Avatar image (binarydata)</DisplayName>
<Field name="Avatar" type="Image">
<Description>Avatar image of user.</Description>
<Bind property="ImageRef" />
<Bind property="ImageData" />

The above example is an excerpt from the User content type CTD. The Avatar field incorporates the hidden ImageRef and ImageData technical fields.

Image field's like Avatar's default React field control is the Avatar control. On how to use it, see the related docs