How to add a query based menu item and screen to the drawer

The Drawer can be customized with the Admin ui customization menu, you can add custom menu items binding them to subtrees or subfolder by your choice. If you want to create a menu item based on query results it is also possible combining SmartFolder type and custom drawer items.

Create a SmartFolder with a custom query

Add a new content with the type SmartFolder with the following query (with this query you can get the list of memos with the word meeting in their title):

+TypeIs:Memo +DisplayName:*meeting*

If you open your newly created SmartFolder you can see that it grouped all those memos from the repository that have the word meeting in their title.

SmartFolder children

Add a custom drawer item to open the SmartFolder

With addig a custom drawer item to the menu binded to the above mentioned SmartFolder, you can basically create a quick link to the query results. Add the following to the personal settings:

"default": {
"drawer": {
"items": [
"itemType": "CustomContent",
"settings": {
"title": "Meeting notes",
"icon": "MemoList",
"root": "/Root/Content/Meeting notes",
"appPath": "meeting-notes",
"columns": ["DisplayName", "ModifiedBy", "ModificationDate"]

You should see exactly one menu item that looks like this.

meeting notes drawer item

There are few options that you can use for customization:

  • icon - name of the icon that you want to display in the drawer
  • title - this is shown in two places. In the tooltip and in the view as well
  • columns - array of columns to display. These are the name of the fields on the content
  • root - content that should be the root of the custom menu, in this case the path of the SmartFolder
  • appPath - this name will be added to the url as the scope of the menu, in this case