- Method: GET or optionally POST.
Gets summary information about the index. Contains the activity status, field info and a versionId list. Useful in debugging scenarios.
A shortened example:
{"IndexingActivityStatus": {"LastActivityId": 194,"Gaps": []},"FieldInfo": {"_Text": 948,"ActionTypeName": 1,/*....*/"Width": 8,"Workspace": 11,"WorkspaceSkin": 1},"VersionIds": [ 1, 2, /*....*/ 157, 158, 163 ]}
The properties are:
- IndexingActivityStatus: information about the progress of the indexing process (local index only).
- FieldInfo: sorted list of indexed fields. Every item is a key-value pair with the field name and the count of terms.
- VersionIds: sorted list of all indexed versionIds. Note that the versionId is the primary key of index documents.
Request example:
GET /odata.svc/('Root')/GetIndexProperties
Can only be called on the root content.
There are no parameters.
Return value:
Type: IndexProperties
- AllowedRoles: Administrators, Developers