- Method: POST
- Icon: "security".
Modifies the explicit permission set of the requested content.
The given r parameter is a SetPermissionsRequest object that has an array of permission request objects. Every item (SetPermissionRequest) contains the following properties:
- identity: id or path of a user or group.
- localOnly: optional bool value (default: false).
- one optional property for all available permission types (See, Open, Save, etc.) that describes the desired permission value.
The permission value can be:
- "undefined" alias "u" or "0"
- "allow" alias "a" or "1"
- "deny" alias "d" or "2"
The following request body sets some permissions for a user and a group.
{r: [{identity:"/Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal/Visitor", OpenMinor:"allow", Save:"deny"},{identity:"/Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal/Owners", Save:"A"}]}
The following request body sets a local only Open permission for the Visitor.
{r: [{identity:"/Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal/Visitor", localOnly: true, Open:"allow"}]}
- ArgumentException: In case of invalid permission state.
- ContentNotFoundException: If the identity is not found in any request item.
Request example:
POST /odata.svc/Root/...('targetContent')/SetPermissionsDATA:models=[{"r": _value_}]
The targetContent
can be any content type
- r (
): A named array ofSetPermissionRequest
objects that describe the modifications.
Return value:
The requested resource. (Type: Content
- AllowedRoles: Everyone
- RequiredPermissions: Open, SeePermissions, SetPermissions
- Scenarios: WorkspaceActions, ListItem, ExploreActions, ContextMenu