Getting started

Create a content repository

Next you'll need to model your content, create your custom types, and publish some documents to your repository.

Try out sensenet with one of the demo repositories

You can start exploring one of our demo repositories filled with various demo content, just log in and you are ready to go! No registration required.

These environments are based on a daily build, which means all the built-in demo contents are reimported, the configurations are restored, and the customer created stuff are removed every day.

Just like with a dedicated sensenet instance, with these demos you can create, store, edit, organize and publish any type of content.

Now, let's take a look at how to connect the chosen content repository with your project.

Your project

.Net Client

You can connect to sensenet from either a console application, a desktop application or even from a server-side ASP.NET web application (for backend requests). The only requirement is to add the dependency below from NuGet.

If you are looking for a basic .Net Console application example that connects to a sensenet repository, please check out the source code here:

Include the dependencies

Let's add the following dependencies to your project.

No dependencies needed

Connect to the API

No additional configurations needed

Configure your project

Followings should be created for using the API calls

No additional configurations needed


If you are working with private contents (in sensenet by default every content is private for non-authenticated users), you'll need to add some configurations and include your repository's access token. The required client ID's and secrets can be found on your SNaaS profile. If you want to know more about exactly what they are for and how you can use them, check Client IDs and secrets and the authentication tutorials.