
Get a single content

The requested resource can be any content in the repository that is permitted for the current user. The resource may be addressed with a content's Path or Id. It returns one entity and all its properties.

If the requested resource is not found, the server returns a 404 Error status code.

Get a single content by Id

In this case the URL must satisfy a strict rule: the service path followed by /content (case insensitive) and content Id wrapped in parentheses without white-spaces.

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/content(11)
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

Get a single content by Path

In this case the URL is the service path followed by the path of the parent and an entity name wrapped by single quotes and parentheses.

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('Cars')
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

Addressing a single property of a content

Any property of a content entity can be addressed in the following way:

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('Cars')/Description?metadata=no
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

This returns the following response:

"d": {
"Description": "Oldtimer supercar"

Addressing a property value

Raw value of a property can be accessed if the request is extended with the /$value parameter.

GET https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content/('Cars')/Description/$value
🛈 Special characters should be URL encoded

This returns the following response:

Oldtimer supercar

Accessing binary stream

Binary data (value of a binary field) is represented by an OData Named Resource Stream Value stream value. The media_src and content_type properties are filled with proper values, while the edit_media and media_etag properties are not supported. Check the "Binary" property of the following response as an example:

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"uri": "/OData.svc/Root/Content/IT/Document_Library('Aenean semper.doc')",
"type": "File"
"Binary": {
"__mediaresource": {
"edit_media": null,
"media_src": "/Root/Content/IT/Document_Library/Aenean semper.doc",
"content_type": "application/msword",
"media_etag": null

Valid entity urls

There is an important distinction between an entity path (that adresses a single entity and gets a response containing the fields of that entity) and a collection path that gets the child entities of that collection. In this section we list the valid entity requests. For collection requests please see the next page.

The important thing to note is that the content name is enclosed in parentheses AND single quotes. This allows you to have content in the repository with a name containing parentheses:

https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('MyWorkspace') // content name: MyWorkspace
https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('Folder(1)') // content name: Folder(1)
https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('mydocument(2).docx') // content name: mydocument(2).docx
https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('42') // content name: 42
https://example.com/OData.svc/Root/Content('(42)') // content name: (42)
https://example.com/OData.svc/content(1234) // content id: 1234

Note the lack of single quotes in the last example? That request refers to the content by Id. You can use this format if you do not know anything else about the content, only the id. In this case content is just a keyword constant, the same way as odata.svc before it.

Invalid entity urls

All other formats are invalid. For example when using the content keyword you can only address the entity by id and quotes are not allowed:

https://example.com/OData.svc/content('1234') // INVALID url
https://example.com/OData.svc/content('MyWorkspace') // INVALID url

The following url is not an entity request but a collection request for a container that happens to contain parentheses in its name:
